Cheat Sheets
A bunch of mini docs.
HTTP Meta Tags
- A collection of meta tags that go into html - head sections
Bash Command Line Examples
- After having spent years on unix systems, shell scripting still continues to elude me. Hence these reminders.
Certificate Management
- These instructions are snippets covering setting up and basic management of SSL certificates on a FreeBSD system.
OpnePGP Key Management
- Little snippets for creating and managing OpenPGP keys.
Sendmail Hacks
- Things i need to do with sendmail at work that i keep forgetting.
Linux Directory Quota
- Quick and dirty Linux directory quota.
S/MIME Key Management
- Little snippets for creating and managing S/MIME keys using gnupg.
Rebuilding Kubuntu Packages
- Another one of those thing i don't do enough to remember. I could also call this article "Getting the iPod Nano 4G to work on Kubuntu Gutsy"
Video Encoding
- Everything i always wanted to remember about ffmpeg, dvdrip and transcode, but was afraid to retain.
Linux RAM Disk
- Howto setup a ram disk on linux
VMware Migration
- Or how i got rid of "switchroot: mount failed: 22"
Unix Serial Howto
- A quick Linux and FreeBSD serial howto that includes some VMware tips.
Java Snippets
- Little tidbits of things Java