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Bash Command Line Examples

After having spent years on unix systems, shell scripting still continues to elude me. Hence these reminders.


For Loops over lists

  • To add a bunch of files to subversion
for f in Button.phi Buttons.phi Cells.phi ; do svn add $f; done
for f in `ls -l *.phi`; do svn add $f; done
  • A more complete sample
ls *.xml
file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml

ls *.xml > list

for i in `cat list`; do cp "$i" "$i".bak ; done

ls *.xml*
file1.xml file1.xml.bak file2.xml file2.xml.bak file3.xml file3.xml.bak
  • To clear emails to out of my mail queue after inspecting the affected files
cd /path/to/mailqueue
ls -l `grep -l '' \`find . -type f\``
rm -f `grep -l '' \`find . -type f\``

Note: Be sure to run the ls before the rm.

  • A little awking. PIDs of all processes using alsa. Grabs the 2nd column out of a listing.
lsof | grep alsa | awk '{print $2}'
  • This alias produces a sorted list of services and the ports they're listening on.
alias ports='sudo /usr/bin/lsof -nPi | grep LIST | awk '\''{printf "%-20s%-5s%-5s%s\n",$1,$5,$7,$8}'\'' | sort | uniq'
  • Running ports would then produce something like this:
cupsd               IPv4 TCP
master IPv4 TCP
mysqld IPv4 TCP
portmap IPv4 TCP *:111
rpc.mount IPv4 TCP *:657
rpc.statd IPv4 TCP *:894
smbd IPv4 TCP *:139
smbd IPv4 TCP *:445
sshd IPv6 TCP *:22

While loop

  • Keeping my mail inbox from overflowing while running email stress tests
cd /path/to/maildir/new
while true; do rm -f *; sleep 5; done

The Absolute Current Working Directory

  • AKA Getting the realpath of a location.
  • This is really more useful in scripts, but here goes:
MYCWD=`dirname \`readlink -e $0\``

Getting a line count on various directories

T=0; \
for f in dir1 dir3 dir10; do \
N=0; \
for n in `find $f -type f -exec wc -l {} \; | awk '{print $1}'`; do\
N=$(‎( $M + $n )); \
done; \
T=$(‎( $T + $N)); \
echo $N - $f; \
done; \
echo $T - Total

4686 - dir1
4894 - dir3
981037 - dir10
990617 - Total
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